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Terms & conditions

1.1 The LESSEE declares he has received the vehicle in good working order and in a good state of cleanliness, under the terms of the joint verification designated “check out”, with the respective equipment, accessories and documents, in particular equipped with tyres in good condition, undertaking to return it in the same condition as it received it in, at the place and on the date (business hours) stated in the Agreement or the date of its termination, failing which the Agreement shall be deemed to have been breached. The LESSEE must request the correction of the vehicle status report, should he observe anything incorrect in the damage record or fuel level.

1.2 The LESSEE must have in his possession all the legal documents of the vehicle, his valid identification documents, valid driving licence and the hire agreement during the validity thereof, presenting them to the Authorities whenever so requested by the latter.

1.3 The Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) is not liable vis-à-vis the LESSEE or any third party for the loss, robbery, theft or material damages to any property left in the vehicle, during and after the hire period.

1.4 If the vehicle is not returned on the agreed date, the LESSEE undertakes to pay Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning), by way of a penalty clause, for each day, whole day or part thereof, an amount calculated based on triple the daily tariff for the rented vehicle, also being subject to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) setting in motion the civil and/or criminal procedures required to recover the vehicle and compensate the losses suffered, in particular resorting to any appropriate injunction for return of the vehicle.

1.5 If the vehicle is left somewhere different from the place agreed upon, there shall be kilometric compensation or a return surcharge, in accordance with the tariffs in force pertaining to the distance between the place where the vehicle is located and the place of origin.

1.6 The LESSEE is liable for any losses or damages, including the theft or robbery of the vehicle, if it is not returned to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) under the terms set out in the agreement.

1.7 If the vehicle has defects, damages or dirtiness levels in excess of its prudent and normal use, in particular when it requires from Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) extraordinary, in-depth cleaning of the vehicle exterior/interior, contrary to simple, standard cleaning, like that which would be possible at a self-service car wash centre, the LESSEE shall provide compensation to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) for the respective cost of its repair and/or extra cleaning.

1.8 The vehicle must be returned to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) in the condition in which it was in at the time of its delivery. Unauthorised repairs, modifications or interventions are not permitted.


2.1. The LESSEE is responsible for the vehicle and for any optional extras during the hire period and until he hands over the vehicle to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) under the terms contracted.

2.2. The hire period starts at the time when the LESSEE signs the vehicle hire agreement and it ends when Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) takes possession thereof and of the respective key.

2.2.1. If the LESSEE decides to return the vehicle outside business hours, he shall remain responsible for the vehicle until Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) takes possession thereof.

2.2.2. When using the “Delivery and Collection” service, the LESSEE shall be responsible for the vehicle as from such time as it is delivered to it and until Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) sees to its collection and takes possession thereof.

2.3. The LESSEE undertakes to:

Carry out the normal, prudent usage of the vehicle, in a lawful manner and for lawful purposes, complying with the Law, in particular with the Highway Code, making sure that the vehicle is locked and has all its windows, sunroof and bonnet duly closed when it is not being used, not leaving any of its documents inside, without prejudice to being the holder thereof, and using the appropriate fuel;

Return the vehicle at the end of the hire period, in the same state of working order and with its equipment and documents;

Immediately communicate any operating defect or anomaly with the vehicle;

Avoid, through act or omission, third parties from getting the idea that the vehicle is your property, notifying Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) forthwith in the event of any pledge, seizure, theft, robbery, requisition, confiscation or any other offence against the ownership, possession or custody of the vehicle.

2.4. Without prejudice to civil liability, the LESSEE, subject to exclusion from the insurance coverage, shall not allow the vehicle to be:

Driven by someone who has not been identified and accepted from Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning), in accordance with the stipulations of the Agreement or any annex or alterations forming an integral part thereof; driven under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any other similar unstable state which directly or indirectly reduces his perception and reaction capacity.

Used to push or pull any vehicle or trailer or any other object with or without wheels; used for sports training or trials of any nature, whether official or otherwise; used for transport in breach of the Law; used for TVDE activity and/or similar activities, except if authorized from Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning).

2.5. As regards the vehicle, its documents, tools, parts and components, the LESSEE is forbidden from carrying out the following acts: subletting, lending, assigning, selling, encumbering or in any way providing as collateral, transforming, modifying or placing advertising or commercial references.

2.6. The LESSEE is the sole party liable for any administrative fines, additional sanctions, fines and other penalties that the Courts and Administrative Authorities determine further to any administrative offence and criminal procedures deriving from use of the vehicle, during the hire period.

2.7 The LESSEE shall be the sole driver of the hired vehicle, unless an additional driver has been indicated in the hire agreement or annex thereunto. Should this be the case, the LESSEE is responsible for ensuring compliance with the present General Terms and Conditions by any additional driver or any passenger authorised by him to travel in the vehicle. The LESSEE is also liable for any costs or charges incurred from Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) as a result of a breach of the present General Terms and Conditions by an additional driver or passenger.

3.1 The rental price is determined by the rate in force for the respective vehicle category and paid in advance.

3.2 The LESSEE must pay the rental price and any add-ons contracted in advance and, as soon as he is requested, any cost attributable to him for use of the vehicle;

3.3 The LESSEE must also pay any physical or digital toll fees, including any additional administrative costs attributed to him. Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) is not liable for any payment deriving from a failure to settle within the legal term.

3.4 If the LESSEE wishes to extend the rental, he must obtain the prior agreement of Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) in writing, making advance payment of the rental amounts owed for the agreed extension. If the rental is extended, the LESSEE must always have with him copies of the Agreement setting out the arrangement to extend the latter. If the rental is not extended, the Agreement shall cease at the end of the term still in force and if the LESSEE fails to hand over the vehicle forthwith, the provisions of Clause 1.4 of the present General Terms and Conditions shall apply.

3.5 The LESSEE also undertakes to pay to/secure vis-à-vis Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning), besides the hire price and tolls:

  1. Any amounts pertaining to a bond or deductible owed for the hire, under the terms of the rate in force at the time of hire;

  2. The sum of €70.00 plus VAT, in the event of any misplacement of the vehicle documents;

  3. The amount owed for the vehicle refuelling service, whenever the latter is returned, upon termination of hire, with a fuel level lower than that of the delivery date, calculating this figure in proportion to the costs incurred by said refuelling;

  4. The sum of €80.00  plus VAT in the event of extra cleaning of the vehicle;

  5. Any court and out-of-court costs, administrative fines, fines and other monetary sanctions, of whatever nature, deriving from a breach of any legal regulation attributable to the LESSEE during the hire period;

  6. Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) has been notified, as a result of an administrative offence or unlawful conduct practised by the LESSEE, to identify the same, the latter undertakes to pay by way of administrative expenses the sum of €20.00 (twenty Euros) plus VAT for the information provided to the competent entities;

  7. Any expenses and costs incurred by Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) to obtain compliance by the LESSEE with the provisions of the Agreement, namely the collection of any amounts owed by the latter to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning), under those terms laid down by law;

  8. Any damages or repair cost which has occurred owing to a crash, collision, overturning, theft or robbery of the vehicle and its immobilisation, as well as any hospitalisation and medical care costs of the driver and passengers, where applicable, and the liability of the LESSEE, if the vehicle has been used in accordance with the terms set out in the Agreement, may be limited if a deductible reduction service has been contracted beforehand.

3.6. The LESSEE, to ensure compliance with his obligations under the Agreement, shall provide a bond for the amount referred to in the Agreement, in non-digital payment card of his titularity, specifically authorising Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) to debit those amounts owed for all the costs incurred by the hire and related charges. Pre-paid cards are not accepted.

3.7. The bond shall be returned to the LESSEE as soon as the vehicle has been returned to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) and all the amounts owed by the former have been settled. However, if any amounts are left unsettled (including, additional days of hire, fuel expenses and/or deductible), Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) shall use the bond, wholly or partially, to pay the same, without prejudice to legally claiming the amount still outstanding. If the amounts owed derive from damages, Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) shall notify the LESSEE thereof in advance.

3.8. There is no reimbursement for the early handover of the vehicle.

4.1 If the LESSEE detects any technical problem in the vehicle, he must immobilise it immediately and get in touch with Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) or, if outside business hours, the breakdown service.

4.2 The vehicle must be returned with the same level of fuel that it had when it was handed over to the LESSEE. If the latter returns it with a lower level of fuel, he shall be charged for the missing fuel, plus the legal refuelling surcharge permitted by law.

4.3 The Lessee must take all the necessary protection measures to maintain the vehicle in the same condition as that in which it was handed over. Namely, he must carry out regular inspections of the condition of the vehicle in terms of oil, water and tyre pressure.

4.4 If fuel and/or any substance are introduced of a different type from that used by the vehicle, the LESSEE is liable for any expenses inherent in the total substitution of the fuel, the dismantling and washing of the tank, engine tuning and any other damages caused to the vehicle.

5.1. The LESSEE shall protect the interests of Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) and its Insurance Company:

  1. He shall notify the police authorities forthwith about any accident, theft, robbery and/or fire, even if partial, and also undertakes to notify Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) about said situations in no more than 24 hours;

  2. He shall not leave the site of the accident, theft, robbery and/or fire before the arrival of the police authorities, failing which he shall be charged for any ensuing damages in full and the coverage deriving from any deductible reduction service which may have been contracted shall not take any effect in the event of a breach of this clause;

  3. The notification shall state the effective circumstances under which the accident occurred, the date, time, place, name and address of the witnesses, the name and address of the owner and of the driver of the third-party vehicle involved and the registration plate, make, insurance company and policy number of said third-party vehicle.

5.3. The LESSEE may contract the following services, described in the agency:

5.4. In the event of an accident, even when the DAAA (Amicable Accident Report) is submitted, the Lessee is liable for payment of any damages caused to the vehicle up to the maximum amount of the deductible in force during the Agreement period, unless liability is assumed by third parties.

5.5. Only the LESSEE and/or authorised drivers shall benefit from the deductible reduction services; failure to comply with this provision entails total cancellation of the coverage set out in this article and the provisions of this article shall also be null and void in the event of an accident caused by wilful intent or fraud, negligence, drunkenness, the use of narcotics or a failure by the LESSEE and/or driver to comply with all the general terms of hire and the regulations of the Highway Code and any other applicable legislation; the insurance cover shall also be cancelled if the LESSEE fails to return to Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) the keys of the vehicle in the event of robbery and/or theft.

5.6. In the event of an accident owing to speeding, negligence, driving under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or the consumption of any product that diminishes driving ability, the LESSEE shall be liable for all the expenses defrayed on repair and compensation pertaining to the time period during which the vehicle is immobilised, even if a deductible reduction has been contracted.

5.7. The insurance and any deductible reduction services do not exempt the LESSEE from payment of any damages caused negligently to the upper, lower and interior parts of the vehicle, provided that there has not been any collision.

5.8. If the LESSEE has deliberately provided Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) with false information, namely with regard to his identity, address, e-mail, phone contact or validity of his driving licence, Without Limits (by Absolute Cleaning) reserves the right to pass on to the LESSEE any damage resulting from said statements, without prejudice to any criminal liability applicable to the case.

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